Our Aircraft
COSA owns and maintains multiple sailplanes and powered tow planes:
“Sugar” | Schweizer SGS 2-33
When the SGS 2-33 two seat training glider was introduced it quickly became the most popular training glider in the USA. “Sugar,” is one of two Schweizer’s we use as trainers and was completely refurbished in 2017
“Hotel” | Schweizer SGS 2-33
“Hotel,” is the second of our Schweizer two-seat trainers.
“School Bus” | Schweizer SGS 1-34
Our SGS 1-34 is a single seat, high-wing glider for solo flights.
“Red Baron” | Schweizer 1-26
The Schweizer SGS 1-26 is a single-seat, mid-wing glider built by Schweizer Aircraft of Elmira, New York.
Grob G103
Our Grob G103 is a fiberglass two-seat sailplane developed in Germany.
Schempp-Hirth Standard Cirrus
The classic/iconic/gorgeous single-seat cross country sailplane built by Schempp-Hirth.
“Green” & “Blue” | Cessna Tow Planes
The club workhorses, our Cessna 150 tow planes, are powered with 150 hp engines and fly every weekend.